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Il prossimo viaggio

Debora non ha viaggi futuri.

Viaggi precedenti

Debora ha gia' soggiornato presso 1 homestay.

Ho soggiornato a Aprile 2018
New Delhi - India

Incontra Naresh

Alloggio homestay con Naresh in ,

Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Debora ha 1 recensione

  • Maggio 2018

    Debora and Henry with their two children stayed with us for 5 nights. Highly polite and disciplined family. Cheerful and smiling family. We thoroughly enjoyed their stay at our home and exchanged healthy chats on culture, spiritual view. Henry visited with us Yoga Park and did Yoga exercises for about and hour. Later we visited a temple on Sunday where a (YAGAYA/ HAVAN) a prayers and offering herbs and clarified butter to Holy Fire he understood and enjoyed. We would love to have them with us again as per their suitability and strongly recommend them to other hosts to enjoy interaction if they stay at your home. We have uploaded few photos with them at photo section at our profile. Aum Shanti. God bless.

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