
A suburban town, 1 hour by express train to Tokyo Station - Koshigaya, Japan寄宿家庭


乡村 环境友好的
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  • 家庭
  • 学生

我可以为客人提供的大两户住宅是我父母的房子,有 10 个空房间。然而,我的父亲去世了,我的母亲住在一个特殊的疗养院里,所以我把它用作我的办公室和寄宿家庭。从仙间台站步行 7 分钟即可到达东京市中心的特快列车停靠站。乘坐电车约30分钟即可到达东京的北千住。这是非常方便的房子,靠近邮局、购物中心、医院、学校等。
我有在美国、瑞士、德国、英国等国外寄宿家庭的经历。在那里,我受到了寄宿家庭的热情款待,这次我开始寄宿家庭作为主人,因为我想帮助对日本感兴趣的外国人。退休后,我在英国留学了2年,然后回到了日本。 现在我是一名讲师,在网上和大学教授日语,因此特别欢迎那些想学习日语和日本文化的客人或计划在日本大学学习的国际学生。







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每晚每间 ¥2,666

卫生间 私人(仅供房客)
2 单人 床位



  • 书桌和灯
  • 空调
  • 衣柜/衣橱
  • 床头柜/床头桌
  • 地毯/厚地毯
  • 镜子
  • 冰箱
  • 吹风机
 1 位客人
2 位客人
每晚每间 ¥2,666

卫生间 私人(仅供房客)
1 单人 床位



  • 书桌和灯
  • 空调
  • 梳妆台/抽屉
  • 衣柜/衣橱
  • 床头柜/床头桌
  • 地毯/厚地毯
  • 镜子
  • 冰箱
  • 吹风机
 1 位客人
每晚每间 ¥2,666

卫生间 分享(与家人/其他客人)
2 单人 床位


Room302:3楼的2人阁楼房间。尺寸:3.83x2.90㎡,自然光屋顶采光。隔壁房间有 2 张单人床、一张带椅子的桌子、2 个塑料柜、WiFi 和空调。

  • 书桌和灯
  • 空调
  • 梳妆台/抽屉
  • 床头柜/床头桌
  • 地毯/厚地毯
  • 镜子
  • 冰箱
  • 吹风机
 1 位客人
2 位客人
每晚每间 ¥3,000

卫生间 分享(与家人/其他客人)
2 单人 床位



  • 书桌和灯
  • 空调
  • 梳妆台/抽屉
  • 衣柜/衣橱
  • 床头柜/床头桌
  • 冰箱
  • 吹风机
 1 位客人
2 位客人
每晚每间 ¥3,000

卫生间 分享(与家人/其他客人)
2 单人 床位



  • 书桌和灯
  • 空调
  • 梳妆台/抽屉
  • 衣柜/衣橱
  • 床头柜/床头桌
  • 冰箱
  • 吹风机
 1 位客人
2 位客人


我的房子在埼玉县东部,东京以北。您可以从成田国际机场约 2 小时到达最近的浅源台站。从浅间台站西口到我家步行约7分钟。从你家到东京站大约需要1小时,非常方便。

  • 网球场
  • 公园
  • 健身房
  • 游泳池
  • 保龄球馆
  • 电影院
  • 图书馆
  • 博物馆
  • 购物中心
  • 游乐园
  • 运动场馆
  • 保健俱乐部
  • 餐厅
  • 公交站
  • 火车站
  • 医院



  • 简单早餐
  • 使用厨房


(01) 客人与房东之间可以相互联系和沟通,以便舒适地寄宿。客人通过日程表或 LINE 和 Messenger 等 SNS 程序提前通知房东客人活动的时间和日期,例如到达日期和时间。
(02) 支持前往我家:
对于接送请求,将收取额外费用(国际机场 10,000 日元,千间台站 1000 日元),以方便客人。
(03) 每个卧室都有门钥匙,隐私
3 楼阁楼没有通往 4 个房间的通道。因此,Room301 和 Room305 可以上锁,隐私得到保护,但 Room302 更便宜,因为 Room301 的客人会经过它。每个房间都可以上锁,没有 Room302、Room303 和 Room304 的房间。外出时,如需要前门和房间钥匙,将收取5000日元的押金,离开时退还。
(04) 本房设有紧急救援、火灾警报、防盗警卫等房客安保系统。由于房客在 22:00 至早上 7:00 之间有警卫,因此我们要求房客在 22:00 后回家时自行报告活动时间表。房客可在 7:00 至 22:00 之间使用浴室和洗衣机,尊重他人的睡眠时间。
(05) 太阳能发电和太阳能热水供应的生态住宅。根据可持续发展目标的节约能源政策,我房使用太阳能发电、消耗和销售电力,并使用太阳能加热冷水,而无需消耗燃气。请房客配合使用不使用燃气和电力的节能太阳能热水和空调。房客外出时必须关闭空调。
(06) 如何使用我家的设施和设备:
房客可以使用您的房间、房客共用的聊天室(Room101)、两个卫生间、浴室、maluti 纸室(迷你厨房、Landry)。未经房东同意,房客不得使用任何其他房间。如果房客未经允许使用其他房间,将被收取 1000 日元/天的费用。
(07) 日本不仅通过用温度计测量本国公民,而且通过用温度计测量外国客人的冠状病毒感染情况,以保护彼此的健康。如果房客感染冠状病毒并发烧,房东有道义上的责任采取适当措施保护自己的健康。请房客注意彼此的身体状况和健康状况,并用温度计记录任何高体温,以防止感染他人。房客应注意传染病。
(08) 额外费用:所有特殊订单费用均需缴纳 10% 的销售税。一楼餐厅和厨房费用为 500 日元/天,日式房间和客厅费用为 2800 日元/晚。自行车使用费为 100 日元/天,洗衣机费用(含洗涤剂 100 日元+烘干 200 日元),小檗谷周边的导游费用为 1000 日元/小时。日语指导费为 1000 日元/小时。如果客人损坏了房子里的物品,客人必须支付等额的损坏赔偿金。入住时将要求客人支付 30000 日元作为押金,如果没有造成损坏,将在退房时退还。

(09) 餐饮:




10 评价

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znzkwnje zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  ad02baa65fad4afe3e1897a11a52f8d615fa92bb&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    4 心
    一月 2024

    Shigeru-san is an exceptionally hospitable and kind host with a strong appreciation for Japanese culture. He particularly enjoys it when guests show an interest in the culture too. For those planning to explore the east side of Tokyo, such as Ueno & Asakusa, Shigeru's place offers a convenient location with manageable commutes. However, if your itinerary includes frequent late-night outings, especially in areas like the western part of Tokyo, be mindful of the last train schedules, as they may affect your return trips.

    A word of caution for taller-than-average guests: the rooms on the 3rd floor are in attic spaces. I am 5′ 3″ and found them a bit too low, so choosing rooms on other floors might be better. For families or groups, I recommend the rooms on the first floor, where you'll have access to a normal-size kitchen and dining room, ensuring a more comfortable stay.

    The neighborhood itself is extremely safe and quiet, not bustling with activity. It does offer several dining options and grocery stores for essentials, all within a three-block radius or near the train station(8 or 9 min walk). Big-A is an affordable grocery store..

    Thanks again for hosting me last-minute around the new year. Thank you for sharing your life experience in my hometown.

    阅读更多 »


    Thank you for your good comment. She is calm, polite and a very good guest. She was also interested in Japanese culture and the Japanese language. She enjoyed making Japanese ramen with me and learned Japanese through Japanese lessons. It's close to Tokyo from my house, so I think she enjoyed visiting the sightseeing spots in Tokyo as well.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znjc5odg zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  0373825a164e5940d9b4e00723ec2bd0374ba4db&style=small

    年龄 45 - 54

    5 心
    十月 2023

    Shigeru is a very welcoming and friendly person. If we need information or help, he is there. Her house is nice, clean and close to the station. The place is quiet. You are about 35-40 minutes from Tokyo. He will be able to show you traditional Japanese places. He can even help you in Japanese, it's fun. The different rules are easy to follow. The rooms are well appointed and clean. If during your stay you need something, Shigeru offers various services like home-cooked meals, etc.... We were able to discuss lots of very interesting things.
    So happy with my short stay.

    阅读更多 »


    Eric is good at Japanese. Also, you were very polite, followed the homestay rules well, and kept your room tidy and clean. Whenever we had time, we would cook Japanese food together and discuss the cultural differences between our two countries. We drove together to see a nearby modern university, a Japanese garden, and a traditional dance exhibition hall. You are a very gentle and gentlemanly person, so if you have another chance, please come to my homestay again.

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  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znjm2mzi zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  87d33ac680c6c12fd564d21adde8cc8b149c2cee&style=small

    United States
    年龄 35 - 44

    1 心
    九月 2023

    Unfortunately we had a very stressful stay here. First I thought we would have access to the kitchen even just to eat breakfast but we got a very small “multi purpose room” with no where my toddler and baby could eat. Then, he made up rules that were not in his rule book. Such as he said we could have the AC on if we just went out for a little bit but then went into our room after we were out for 20 minutes, turned it off and fined us (mind you it was above 100 degrees and people in japan were dying of heat stroke. We even helped a guest there who fainted in the multipurpose room because it was so hot. When brought up to him he blamed the guest for not drinking enough water). I think he could be a good host but needs to grow a lot more - seems very set in his ways.

    We had no privacy or space as he even took pictures of our rooms and sent them to us (the one day I’m rushing to get this kids out). I would not recommend this stay for families at all as he blamed our baby for acting like a baby and our toddler for acting like a toddler. He should not have accepted us or any family. He was very controlling and you didn’t know what rules he made up (for example another guest was allowed to leave the AC on). It was not comfortable or private and I would not want my family to stay with him again. I hope he doesn’t take offense with this honest review and instead takes it as feedback and grows from it.

    阅读更多 »


    I have hosted many guests over the years, but I have never met a guest like this who casually says things that are contrary to the facts.
    This guest, a couple and their family with two young children, stayed for one month. We held birthday parties and fireworks displays, and showed them around famous places and events. However, they hadn't read my house rules, so I carefully explained how to use their rooms, kitchen, etc. However, they leave their belongings and clothes scattered all over the room, they eat in their rooms so their bedding gets dirty, they leave food scattered on the floor, they don't turn off the air conditioner even when they're not home, their kid break hand mirrors, they scatter dishes, and they leave their kids crying loudly in the middle of the night, so another guests next door complained that it was too noisy to sleep. They did not apologize at all and caused trouble to other guests. I don't want to accept them again.

    House Rules (05) Eco house with solar power generation and hot water supply by sun. In accordance with the SDG's policy of saving energy resources, my house uses solar power to generate, consume, and sell electricity, and uses solar power to heat cold water without consuming gas. Guest are kindly requested to cooperate in energy-saving solar hot water and air conditioners that do not use gas and electricity. Guests must turn off the air conditioner while they are out.
    2023.0819 Today, the outdoor units of the balcony air conditioners in Room 202 and Room 203 were operating, so when I checked the air conditioners in the rooms, both rooms were set to 25 degrees Celsius and were operating within no one. My homestay rule is that you should turn off the air conditioner when you are not home to save electricity. With this, you forgot to turn off the air conditioner for the second time, so you will be charged 2000 yen / 2 rooms as a penalty. Also, I couldn't find the controller for the air conditioner in Room203. In addition, eating and drinking such as candy is prohibited in the room. Please keep your room tidy and comfortable. But they didn’t pay it, although they have failed to follow the house rules three times.
    Running the Air conditioner on your short outing is acceptable. So if you write down leaving-time to go out on your schedule sheet, I won't get into your rooms and turn off the air conditioner. Also, your room was "Nock before Entering", not "Do not Disturb", so I knocked before entering. In Japan, it is permissible for the owner to enter the rented house or room in an emergency (when there is serious damage to the landlord, such as a fire). I took a picture to show proof that the air conditioner was left on as the evidence for more than 10 hours, so I apologize if you were offended. In order for you, the guests of my homestay, to spend a comfortable life, I will guide you about sightseeing spots, provide advice on living, provide support, keep the corridors and multi-purpose rooms tidy, wipe clean, clean the bathroom, and take out the garbage. I am trying to do my best to manage my homestay for all guest comfortable. Also, the terms and conditions of my homestay House Rules are clearly mentioned, so please check them again and have a comfortable stay with me. I will do my best to provide you with comfortable and convenient life services.

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  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znti4ndg zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  f28ff7af2ed96de1e27913e9d26e21b79f1d2661&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    六月 2023

    Shigeru and his house are prepared for any number of guests and things are guaranteed to go smoothly. The various rules ensure that all guests will get along, regardless of lifestyle or language barrier. The host is eager to explain anything and will support you in your endeavours. The top floor (the rooms that are available here on homestay.com) has a low ceiling as it's directly under the roof, so tall guests might have difficulties to walk around in their rooms. Shigeru offers various services like home made meals, Japanese lessons and guided tours but sadly I was too busy until the very last day.

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    Thank you for staying with us for the week. You were very sincere and made me feel at ease. Unfortunately, you are busy during the day and active at night, so I couldn't invite you to visit nearby attractions and events. But on the last day, I was glad to be able to show you around the university where I worked. Also, please stay in my house when you and your friends come to Japan. Looking forward to seeing you again.

  • Agnmyxyxmvlxqzujz4hsxlk6q9jwbk6ljqlx7c6f2lso9w=s96 c

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    四月 2023



    We enjoyed watching cherry blossom along Sengen River. You are very polite, honest. I hope you have learned about Japanese culture through tourism and tried to understand Japanese lifestyle.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znte2mte zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  6255a40daade40b28317f35a988787568fb869a3&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    四月 2023

    Overall a great experience with a very attentive host. Location wise, expect to travel 30-40 minutes using the Tobu line to get to downtown Tokyo (NOTE: The Tobu line is NOT compatible with the JR Pass, so you'll need to purchase separate tickets or use an IC card)


    You are a polite and honest person. You can communicate in Japanese, so you can learned about Japanese culture through tourism and tried to understand Japanese lifestyle. He followed the rules of my homestay and kept the room clean. I am looking forward coming my home.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znte2ota zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  b941100ae2792a45c5d0859b0eb13508848ae628&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    三月 2023

    We had a wonderful stay at Shige’s home. He welcomed us more thank we could ever hope, was so considerating and communicating for our arrival, came to pick us up at the station… Plus we arrived in full Sakura season so he showed us the nice places around the neighborhood
    The room was also comfortable, we slept really well! The place is quiet.
    Thank you so much Shige


    We enjoyed watching cherry blossom along Sengen River. You are very polite, honest. I hope you have learned about Japanese culture through tourism and tried to understand Japanese lifestyle. I am looking forward meeting you again someday.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zndc1ote zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  10ecb6b1b4b7be12025451f32fd7c8feea7c5298&style=small

    年龄 18 - 24

    5 心
    二月 2023



    Thank you for your staying my homestay. I had supported your activities during staying Japan as hard as possible.

  • Picture?type=square&height=200&width=200

    年龄 35 - 44

    2 心
    一月 2023

    Je ne recommande pas cet hébergement en hiver, ni même du tout. Le seul avantage est le fait que le prix est très bas. Nous avons quitté 2 jours plus tôt que prévu.

    L‘hôte, n‘habitant pas la maison, ne la chauffe aucunement, donc la température à l’intérieur est la même que celle à l‘extérieur dans les airs communes et la salle de bain. Heureusement il y a une unité de chauffage dans la chambre, mais l‘hôte propose de régler une horloge pour l‘éteindre pendant le sommeil.

    Hôte paternel voir intrusif et contrôlant. Il faut inscrire sur une feuille notre heure de levé, notre heure de départ, lieux de visite et heure de retour à la maison et mentionner si on arrive après 22h. Il faut prendre sa température sous le bras à chaque matin. Il mentionne que c‘est pour nous aider, mais on se rend vite compte qu‘il ne nous fait pas confiance. En quittant, nous mettons notre literie dans la laveuse, tel que demandé, il me demande de regarder la chambre avant notre départ. Il m‘accuse d’avoir volé un drap contour. Je vais avec lui à la laveuse, le drap y était. Bref, il est très méfiant et n‘a sûrement pas la personnalité pour ce genre d’expérience.

    Notes si vous louez :

    Attention, il faut passer par la chambre 302 pour accéder à la 301.

    Les chambre 301-302-305 sont dans le grenier. Je ne les recommande pas. Aussi, l’annonce laisse sous-entendre qu’elles ont une salle de bain privée, mais le bain et la toilette sont partagés et au premier étage.

    Bon courage.

    阅读更多 »


    Two Canadian women's assessments are factually wrong. They gave a bad reputation because we didn't reduce the amount for 2 days even though they broke the contract and shortened it by 2 days due to their convenience. (1) In Japan, where energy resources are scarce, saving electricity and gas is a way of life. Don't heat an unoccupied bathroom. In Japan, pouring warm water into the bathtub is enough to warm the bathroom. (2) Hosts will humanely protect Guests from danger, misfortune, and crime. Our house is protected by a security system, emergency rescue for guests, fire alarms, and security guards for house intrusions. Since it is guarded from 22:00 to 6:00 in the morning, we ask guests to self-report on the activity schedule when returning home after 22:00.
    (3) Japan protects each other's health by measuring the corona infection of not only its citizens but also foreign guests with a thermometer. Hosts have a moral responsibility to take appropriate measures to protect their health if a guest is infected with coronavirus and develops a fever. Don't come to Japan if your host arbitrarily accuses you of not trusting the guest's credit temperature measurement. (4) They used the room in a disorderly manner, left some bedding in the room, and randomly threw some of it into the washing machine. It is unreasonable to blame them for their suspected cause. (5) It is announced on the host's homepage that it is an attic. They misunderstand that the bathroom is on the second floor and the toilets are on the first and second floors.
    It would be sad if they came to Japan for sightseeing and criticized Japan's lifestyle, lifestyle, corona countermeasures, and energy saving habits based on SDGs compared to Canada. I don't want such foreigners to come to Japan.

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  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zmjexmta zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  d79adc004e5657b385a0ad7b490be9c7c4106242&style=small

    年龄 18 - 24

    5 心
    四月 2022



联系主机了解您的住宿情况 - 告诉他们一些关于您自己,为什么住在这里以及询问您对寄宿家庭的任何问题。发送完毕后,您可以立即预订。


房东确认有空房后,您可以继续支付 15% 的预订费(对于长期预订,最多可以支付 250 $£€)和25%的定金(使用付款方式选择):Visa ,万事达,美国运通,Maestro,Laser,JCB和PayPal。这笔押金是代表房东预先收取的,以防止未入住或延迟取消(抵达当天7天之内)。然后,您需要在抵达时向房东支付余额。 25%的定金将在您预定的抵达日期后2个工作日内支付给房东。仅当您在抵达前至少7天取消预订时,这笔押金将不予退还。


