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Bewertungen von Gastfamilien

Karoline hat 1 Bewertung

  • Juli 2022

    It saddens me that Karoline was unable to address the challenges she experienced while staying with me; choosing to make her experience public rather than talking it through face-to-face. I have been hosting for over 20 years and have always welcomed conversations with guests and welcome different cultural ways of living and have never intentionally undermined those differences; that said as a host I will address things as they come up in a respectful manner as the culture in my home is ‘leave as you find.’ Sadly, Karoline received this differently from how it was intended and then apparently chose to hold onto these feelings for the remainder of her stay.
    Karoline had a duty of care to inform me that there were cultural differences regarding the use of the guest bathroom, particularly as this pertained to issues of health and hygiene.

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