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Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Cheol Hee ha 2 recensioni

  • Febbraio 2023

    Es un chico muy majo, educado y respetuoso. Además de amable y comunicativo. Nos cocinó varias noches comida de su país y estuvimos encantados, sobre todo mi hijo el probar comida diferente. Nos ha gustado mucho la experiencia de tenerlo en casa. Estaremos encantados de recibirlo en otra ocasion.

  • Gennaio 2023

    Cheol Hee was a delightful guest. He was so lovely to my son - even took him to the football and bought him a model Korean tank - which they built together. We watched a LOT of my BAFTA screeners together too. Thank you!

    He was funny, chill, kind, considerate and interesting; the perfect guest.

    Come back soon!

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