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Till ha gia' soggiornato presso 1 homestay.

Ho soggiornato a Luglio 2017
Yogyakarta - Indonesia

Incontra Bella

Alloggio homestay con Bella in ,

Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Till ha 1 recensione

  • Settembre 2017

    I know as a homestay host I shouldn't do favorites but i will make exception for Till & Petra, cause they're definitely my favorite guests like ever!! They've been so kind and friendly to everyone in our place, it's very easy to communicate with them about anything, they understand in the first place that I couldn't give them the room they wanted so they compromised and it was very nice of them to settle with another option I gave them. They left our homestay as my new family and I really wish they could come back someday. They kept the room very clean and tidy, discussed with you about their plan efficiently and helped you to find solution when you both encountered a problem. Thank you very much for being so generous too, Till & Petra, it was a great great pleasure to have you staying with us. We already missed you!

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