Comentários dos anfitriões

Solveig And Peter tem 3 comentários

  • Outubro 2019

    Second time of hosting this perfect family in two weeks was a great pleasure. Hosting them is much more enjoyable than you think! They're cool, talkative, open-minded and fun.
    Make sure you don't miss them

  • Outubro 2019

    I run short of words!
    what an amazing family...
    All the time happy and cheerful. i wish we could learn and find something to laugh about!
    Millions of thanks to Danish family who taught me how to be happy simply in life
    look forward to seeing you Again with your beloved daughter!

  • Outubro 2019

    I always enjoy hosting families but enjoyed double (or maybe more!) With Solveig And Peter and their nice son. Don't miss this cool, nice and lovely family

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