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Reviews from hosts

Emanuele has 1 review

  • 四月 2017

    Thank you for your staying and living with us.We are also sure that you are polite and nice and good guest!
    We are relieved to hear you aleady back home without troubles.
    We had also amazing and enjoynable experiences with your staying as a menber of our family.We felt happy that you love Japan and Japanese cultures and foods,and us(we hope)
    Say hello to your family.And see you someday.It may be not a long time that you come to Japan again or we will go there.Then,we hope that we have good times again with you while you stayed at our home.
    We won't forget the memories when we spent with you.We think you are really polite and deligent.We are sure that your family is also good and polite.
    Take care!And Cheer up!
    Thanks millions.

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